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== CapShinChan ==
== CapShinChan ==
“I played my first game of Malifaux
in 1.5, diving hard into the game a
little bit later with the Lady Justice
box from M2E (oh man, those death
marshalls!). With M3E I started to play competitively,
and made the big jump with the season 1 of the MWS,
which allowed me to meet a bunch of AWESOME folks
around the world! I even traveled more than 7000km to
meet some of them in person and play, and it was AWESOME!
I could only pick one faction, my true love is Bayou. Wong
is my bae, I’m a HUGE fan of 80s and 90s movies and I
love Big Trouble in Little China (and practically half of
John’s Carpenters films).
For the MWS, I do a little bit of everything, mainly anything related to stats and organization. I try to help with
rules lawyering, but I’m terrible at it.
Other than Malifaux, I’m usually lying down on the sofa
actively complaining about capitalist society, drinking in a bar
complaining about capitalist society or going up some mountains
hoping to cross paths with cute animals.”
Editor’s Note: “socialist dad”

== Celary ==
== Celary ==

Revision as of 20:59, 7 July 2023



“I played my first game of Malifaux in 1.5, diving hard into the game a little bit later with the Lady Justice box from M2E (oh man, those death marshalls!). With M3E I started to play competitively, and made the big jump with the season 1 of the MWS, which allowed me to meet a bunch of AWESOME folks around the world! I even traveled more than 7000km to meet some of them in person and play, and it was AWESOME! I could only pick one faction, my true love is Bayou. Wong is my bae, I’m a HUGE fan of 80s and 90s movies and I love Big Trouble in Little China (and practically half of John’s Carpenters films). For the MWS, I do a little bit of everything, mainly anything related to stats and organization. I try to help with rules lawyering, but I’m terrible at it. Other than Malifaux, I’m usually lying down on the sofa actively complaining about capitalist society, drinking in a bar complaining about capitalist society or going up some mountains hoping to cross paths with cute animals.” Editor’s Note: “socialist dad”


One of the hobbyists orphaned by Steamforged during the fall of Guild Ball. Comes from Poland, first one in his family that's decided not to work in a brewery. Engineer by trade. Arcanists player, always starts building his lists from double Soulstone Cache.


“I began my journey with Malifaux at the tail end of M2E—Shen Long and Mei Feng were my loves and I was attracted to the game after being enchanted by the sense of depth of the game and largely the community of people involved. I’m (fairly well) known to be a Perdita Enjoyer, but really love to see challenging stuff across the table—complex engines are my thing, so McMourning and co really light my fire! I have a passion for events management and relish the opportunity to bring the Malifaux community nothing short of the highest quality events we have to offer. I’m a “sideline coach dad”—I love to see people succeed and fervently offer my input at every stage. I do what I do out of a mutual love for both individuals and the communities that they create! “




