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Following rules can be found at the end of the Malifaux Rulebook.
== Start Phase ==
== Start Phase ==

<ol style="list-style-type:upper-alpha">
<ol style="list-style-type:upper-alpha">
   <li>About the author</li>
   <li><b>Discard Cards:</b> Both players may discard any unwanted cards.</li>
   <li>Foreword to the first edition</li>
  <li><b>Draw Cards:</b> Each player draws up to their maximum hand size. Once complete, each player may spend a Soulstone to draw two cards (player with Initiative decides first).</li>
   <li>Foreword to the second edition</li>
  <li><b>Initiative Flip:</b> Both players flip a card, which may be Cheated. The player with Initiative Cheats first in the case of ties. Players increase their totals by the number of Pass Tokens they possess and then discard their Pass Tokens.</li>
   <li><b>Resolve Effects:</b> Resolve any effects that happen during the Start Phase.</li>
   <li><b>Calculate Pass Tokens:</b> Count up the number of models controlled by both players. The player withfewer models in play gains Pass Tokens equal to the difference.</li>

A. Discard Cards:
Both players may discard any unwanted cards.
aw Cards:
Each player draws up to their maximum hand size. Once complete, each player may spend
a Soulstone to draw two cards (player with Initiative decides first).
ve Flip:
Both players flip a card, which may be Cheated. The player with Initiative Cheats first
in the case of ties. Players increase their totals by the number of Pass Tokens they possess and then
discard their Pass Tokens.
D. Resolve Effects:
Resolve any effects that happen during the Start Phase.
culate Pass Tokens:
Count up the number of models controlled by both players. The player with
fewer models in play gains Pass Tokens equal to the difference.
== Activation Phase ==
== Activation Phase ==
<ol style="list-style-type:upper-alpha">
  <li><b>Decide to Pass:</b> The Active player may discard a Pass Token to skip to Step D.</li>
e to Pass:
  <li><b>Select Model:</b> The Active player Activates a friendly model that has not yet Activated this Turn.</li>
The Active player may discard a Pass Token to skip to Step D.
  <ol style="list-style-type:decimal">
    <li><b>Start Activation:</b> Resolve effects that happen at the start of a model’s Activation.</li>
ect Model:
    <li><b>Take actions:</b> Most models can take two Actions. Leaders/Masters can take three Actions.</li>
The Active player Activates a friendly model that has not yet Activated this Turn.
    <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
C. Activation
      <li>Declare Action.</li>
      <li>Pay any Costs.</li>
      <li>Declare Target.</li>
      <li>Perform Duels.</li>
tart Activation:
      <ol style="list-style-type:upper-roman">
Resolve effects that happen at the start of a model’s Activation.
        <li>Modify The Duel with Soulstones, Abilities, or other game effects (Attacking model first).</li>
        <li>Flip Fate Cards (both players flip cards then choose a card).</li>
        <li>Cheat Fate (player with lowest total first).</li>
        <li>Determine Duel Total.</li>
ake Actions:
        <li>Declare Triggers (Active player first).</li>
Most models can take two Actions. Leaders/Masters can take three Actions.
        <ol style="list-style-type:lower-roman"><li><i>Immediately</i> Triggers occur.</li></ol>
a. Declare Action.
        <li>Determine Outcome (if the Acting model’s duel failed, the Action ends without resolving its effects. Skip Step e and move to Step f).</li?
b. Pay any Costs.
c. Declare Target.
      <li>Resolve effects in the order presented on the card, including any When Resolving Triggers. Damage timing can be found on page 35. If the target is killed, resolve any effects such as “After this model is killed” and any After killing Triggers.</li>
d. Perform Duels.
      <li>Anything that happens after an Action is resolved, including any After Resolving and After Succeeding Triggers. Remember: Triggers that do not specify a timing are assumed to be After Succeeding Triggers.</li>
I. Modify Th
e Duel with Soulstones,
    <li><b>End Activation:</b> Resolve effects that happen at the end of a model’s Activation. The model counts as having Activated this Turn.</li>
Abilities, or other game effects (Attacking model first).
    <li><b>Chain Activations:</b> Resolve any Chain Activations generated from an effect during this Activation.</li>
Flip F
  <li><b>Transfer Active Player:</b> If there are still models left to Activate this Turn, the opponent becomes the Active player.</li>
ate Cards (both players flip cards then choose a card).
eat Fate (player with lowest total first).
IV. Det
ermine Duel Total.
V. Declar
e Triggers (Active player first).
Triggers occur.
ermine Outcome (if the Acting model’s duel failed, the Action ends without
resolving its
effects. Skip Step e and move to Step f).
esolve effects in the order presented on the card, including any
When Resolving
Triggers. Damage
timing can be found on page 35. If the target is killed, resolve any effects such as “After this model
is killed” and any
After killing
nything that happens after an Action is resolved, including any
After Resolving
Triggers. Remember: Triggers that do not specify a timing are assumed to be
d Activation:
Resolve effects that happen at the end of a model’s Activation. The model counts as
having Activated this Turn.
Chain A
Resolve any Chain Activations generated from an effect during this Activation.
ransfer Active Player:
If there are still models left to Activate this Turn, the opponent becomes the
Active player.
== End Phase ==
== End Phase ==
<ol style="list-style-type:upper-alpha">
  <li><b>Resolve Effects:</b> All “Until the End Phase” effects end, followed by “During the End Phase” effects being resolved.</li>
esolve Effects:
  <li><b>Score VP:</b> Strategies are scored first, then Schemes. If multiple players and/or Schemes are scoring, the player with Initiative determines the scoring order. No VP is scored on the first Turn.</li>
All “Until the End Phase” effects end, followed by “During the End Phase” effects
  <li><b>Check for End of Game:</b> as described on page 21. If the game ends, score “end of game” VP.</li>
being resolved.
  <li><b>Shuffle Discard Piles:</b> Each player shuffles their Discard Piles back into their Fate Decks.</li>
e VP:
If multiple Actions are generated, they are queued and resolved one at a time in the order they were
Strategies are scored first, then Schemes. If multiple players and/or Schemes are scoring, the
player with Initiative determines the scoring order. No VP is scored on the first Turn.
eck for End of Game:
as described on page 21. If the game ends, score “end of game” VP.
e Discard Piles
Each player shuffles their Discard Piles back into their Fate Decks.
f multiple Actions are generated, they are queued and resolved one at a time in the order they were
generated (whichever happened first or was listed first on the card). If an Action in a queue generates an
generated (whichever happened first or was listed first on the card). If an Action in a queue generates an
Action, that Action happens before moving to the next Action in the queue.
Action, that Action happens before moving to the next Action in the queue.

Latest revision as of 16:23, 15 July 2023

Following rules can be found at the end of the Malifaux Rulebook.

Start Phase

  1. Discard Cards: Both players may discard any unwanted cards.
  2. Draw Cards: Each player draws up to their maximum hand size. Once complete, each player may spend a Soulstone to draw two cards (player with Initiative decides first).
  3. Initiative Flip: Both players flip a card, which may be Cheated. The player with Initiative Cheats first in the case of ties. Players increase their totals by the number of Pass Tokens they possess and then discard their Pass Tokens.
  4. Resolve Effects: Resolve any effects that happen during the Start Phase.
  5. Calculate Pass Tokens: Count up the number of models controlled by both players. The player withfewer models in play gains Pass Tokens equal to the difference.

Activation Phase

  1. Decide to Pass: The Active player may discard a Pass Token to skip to Step D.
  2. Select Model: The Active player Activates a friendly model that has not yet Activated this Turn.
  3. Activation
    1. Start Activation: Resolve effects that happen at the start of a model’s Activation.
    2. Take actions: Most models can take two Actions. Leaders/Masters can take three Actions.
      1. Declare Action.
      2. Pay any Costs.
      3. Declare Target.
      4. Perform Duels.
        1. Modify The Duel with Soulstones, Abilities, or other game effects (Attacking model first).
        2. Flip Fate Cards (both players flip cards then choose a card).
        3. Cheat Fate (player with lowest total first).
        4. Determine Duel Total.
        5. Declare Triggers (Active player first).
          1. Immediately Triggers occur.
        6. Determine Outcome (if the Acting model’s duel failed, the Action ends without resolving its effects. Skip Step e and move to Step f).</li?
      5. Resolve effects in the order presented on the card, including any When Resolving Triggers. Damage timing can be found on page 35. If the target is killed, resolve any effects such as “After this model is killed” and any After killing Triggers.
      6. Anything that happens after an Action is resolved, including any After Resolving and After Succeeding Triggers. Remember: Triggers that do not specify a timing are assumed to be After Succeeding Triggers.
    3. End Activation: Resolve effects that happen at the end of a model’s Activation. The model counts as having Activated this Turn.
    4. Chain Activations: Resolve any Chain Activations generated from an effect during this Activation.
  4. Transfer Active Player: If there are still models left to Activate this Turn, the opponent becomes the Active player.

End Phase

  1. Resolve Effects: All “Until the End Phase” effects end, followed by “During the End Phase” effects being resolved.
  2. Score VP: Strategies are scored first, then Schemes. If multiple players and/or Schemes are scoring, the player with Initiative determines the scoring order. No VP is scored on the first Turn.
  3. Check for End of Game: as described on page 21. If the game ends, score “end of game” VP.
  4. Shuffle Discard Piles: Each player shuffles their Discard Piles back into their Fate Decks.

If multiple Actions are generated, they are queued and resolved one at a time in the order they were generated (whichever happened first or was listed first on the card). If an Action in a queue generates an Action, that Action happens before moving to the next Action in the queue.